Web Site Copyright
This site, its graphics and content unless otherwise specified, are copyrighted © 1996-1998 by the vMac group, All rights reserved.

Some materials have been used from : Apple® MacOSTM 8, Microsoft® Windows95TM, HP/UXTM, and OS/2TM, all of which are copyrighted by their respective companies (see bellow).

Application Copyrights

The vMac program is copyright © 1996-1999 by the vMac team. The UAE engine, which the vMac core is based on, is copyrighted by the UAE team. In addition to the vMac Core copyrights, each port author reserves the right to copyright his or her respective port.

Other Companies

We respect the copyrights and trademarks of all the companies mentioned in the vMac Web Site and documentation:
Apple, MacOS, and the MacOS 8 Logo are trademarks of Apple Computer®. WindowsTM, Windows 95TM, Windows 98TM, Win32sTM, and DirectXTM are trademarks of Microsoft®. HP/UXTM, VUETM, are trademarks of Hewlett Packard®. OS/2TM is a trademark of International Business Machines®. MMXTM is a trademark of Intel®. All other trademarks are owned by their respective companies.